As you all know, this tool is totally free. It has no payment options. You can get used to it, use it and benefit from all its advantages. It will always be free.

Compliance with the law

The new law that came into force in 2019 obliges us to keep track of the schedule in our company. This task is tedious and wastes the time of us and our employees. By using Light of Work you will comply with the new law without even realizing it.


All employees can use the system regardless of the technology available to them. Light of work works in web browsers, iPhone, iPad, android, Tablet, Mac and Windows.

Project Management System

Create projects you are working on. Not only do you get control over the hours spent, but you know what task is being done.



When you turn on your workstation computer or access your employee phone. The employee should not have to worry about anything. The system works automatically. If the system detects inactivity in the devices, it will ask the user why the inactivity occurred and it will be recorded.


The clocking in process can also be completed from the control panel. It can be accessed from any internet browser with a user name and password

Absences and holidays

Save time and money by coordinating employee vacations and organizing the year’s holidays. Holidays are automatically generated according to the location of each office or headquarters of your company individually. In addition, the usages and holidays requested will be included in the system’s calendar. Also those of half a day.

Delegate to HR

You can grant management permissions to the person in charge of Human Resources in your company

Geolocalized Files

Not all jobs require a permanent job. These people will be able to register their location with the mobile application. You will know what they are doing, where and when.

Download in PDF

The documents can be downloaded in PDF and printed out so that they can be presented as required by law

For small and large businesses

Light of Work is designed for the self-employed, SMEs and large companies. Its configuration is adapted to all types of companies. Its use is simple and properly documented. If you still have any doubts Contact us.